Our Values & Principles
Glass is an independent, neutral, not-for-profit, membership-based international organization. We adhere to embracing, supporting and enacting, within our sphere of influence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labor standards, transparency, ethics, the environment and anti-corruption. Below are our core values and beliefs:
- We are committed to sustainability and to living in a friendly world
- We value quality membership and we put our members first
- We act with integrity and honesty in our day to day operations
- We operate in a transparent manner when collaborating and partnering with other stakeholders involved in the sport industry
- We respect diversity and encourage tolerance and fair-play
Therefore we believe that:
1. Every Sport Club should have a business model that has an economic, social, and environmental impact
2. Sport Clubs must place the individual first before any other consideration concerning any substantial gain
3. Maintaining a high standard of integrity and ethic is a guarantee of professionalism for Sport Clubs
4. Transparent and inclusive governance to ensure the goals and objectives of Sport Clubs are met must be the rule.
5. Tolerance, inclusion, unity and respect for diversity in the world of sport are to be encouraged

GLASS produces events every year. Those events bring together sports professional, GLASS member organizations, sponsors and partners to exchange best practices and discuss the latest sustainality reports trends especially those impacting the sport movement. Events can be held worldwide depending on topics and formats (conferences or workshops) and can be live as well as online.